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Adult Jiu Jitsu Classes That Will Change Your Life

Adult Jiu Jitsu is an excellent way to learn self-defense, get in shape and meet new people. Our Adult program is designed to help you learn how to defend yourself in real-life situations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you'll be able to learn something new while improving many aspects of your life.

  • Enhanced stamina, speed, and strength
  • Boosted metabolism and improved daily disposition
  • New or improved skillsets applicable in daily life

It's never too late to unfold another chapter of your life. Sign up today and let's get started.

Adult Jiu Jitsu: Elevate Your Game

We provide challenging workout that will help you build strength and stamina. More than that, our classes are designed to help you build the skills and strategies you need to take on your opponent. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced fighter, our instructors will help you master your skills, develop your strength, and improve your endurance.

  • Classes that enhance your physical and mental resilience
  • Classic and highly effective skills and techniques to win against your opponent
  • Fantastic and thrilling workouts that will challenge and bring out the best in you

Book your first class with us today.

Have Questions About Our Programs? Text/Call 848-226-7133 or Email ironarmyacademy@frankieedgar.com!


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